We are calling for policymakers worldwide to take in the scientific knowledge synthesized in the 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2022 to inform much needed policies. At the UN Biodiversity Conference in Montreal in December 2022, your decisive action is needed to halt the man-made extinction of species and to strengthen biodiversity. The 10MustDos22 are intended to support you in taking such action by proposing solutions that can be implemented with immediate effect.

Find corresponding literature references at "Read more".

MustDo 11: Did you know the authors of the 10MustKnows are available to answer all your questions?

Biodiversity is the fundamental insurance policy in times of climate change [1,2]. International biodiversity research contributes significantly to understanding the vital importance of biodiversity, while at the same time showing ways to conserve and sustainably restore biodiversity. A first-class knowledge infrastructure (including diverse collections and associated data) has the potential to provide national and international policymakers with evidence-based information for advancing the transformation process.


[1] IPBES (2019). Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany.

[2] Pörtner et al. (2021). Scientific outcome of the IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop on biodiversity and climate change. (IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany) doi:10.5281/zenodo.5101125.

[3] Leibniz-Research Network Biodiversity (2022): 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2022. Potsdam, Deutschland. 60 pages. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6257476, p.48.